IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers| IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers|

Travel Health Journal

IAMAT - The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers

Mind Your Food and Water Abroad

The recent illnesses and deaths caused by the E.coli outbreak in Europe, remind us of the complexities of food systems and that you don’t have to travel to get sick: Food- and water-borne illnesses happen in our own backyard. Gastro-intestinal infections can happen in any country. Getting food to your plate involves a variety of players including growers, transportation companies, processors, retailers, food handlers, consumers, and government regulations. While food coming from a local source may get to your table faster than food grown far away, both conventionally and organically grown products are susceptible to carrying pathogens like E. coli and salmonella. Unsanitary farming conditions, poor food processing and handling practices, lack of food and import surveillance inspectors, and ...

IAMAT - The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers

Energizing Our Future with a Solar Park

On May 24, we had the pleasure of announcing the creation of a solar park to help IAMAT advance its mission. The Foundation for the Support of International Medical Training (FSIMT), the entity governing IAMAT, owns a 105-acre property in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. The Foundation recently entered into a Lease arrangement with Hall’s Pond Solar Co-operative for the purpose of developing a solar photovoltaic park. IAMAT’s President, Assunta Uffer-Marcolongo announcing the largest community financed urban solar park in Ontario. Example of solar panel modules. The Foundation’s Board of Directors believes that the solar park Lease is an excellent opportunity for IAMAT to advance its mission and grow its endowment fund for doctors and nurses from low resource countries to ...

IAMAT - The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers

More Medical Coverage for IAMAT Members

We’ve just updated our 2011 Medical Directory and are very pleased to welcome our new affiliated doctors and clinics to our network. They have excellent qualifications, speak English fluently, and are committed to treating sick travellers. IAMAT Members now have access to medical care in Damascus, Syria. We’ve also added new medical contacts in the following countries: Santiago, Chile Mohali, India Cusco and Arequipa, Peru Cape Town, South Africa Dar es Salaam, Tanzania New York City, USA (two clinics) Istanbul, Turkey (dentist) The IAMAT consultation fees remain the same for 2011. Regular office / Clinic calls = US$100 House / Hotel calls = US$150 Night calls (from 9:00pm to 9:00am) = US$170 Sundays and local holidays = US$170 * ...

IAMAT - The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers

News Release: Fit For Travel But What About Mental Health?

Niagara Falls, NY, January 25, 2011 – Travel is enjoyable, but there is no doubt that it can be stressful. Now travelers can find peace of mind with IAMAT’s new series on travel and mental health. IAMAT (International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers) just released its ‘Travel and Mental Health’ guides to promote better mental health during travel. The easy-to-use checklists offer tips for coping with travel stress, advice for travelers with pre-existing mental illness and traveling with medications. Also included are health tips for travelers without a prior history of mental illness. The guides are the first of their kind specifically aimed at travelers. International travel can put a strain on persons with depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety ...

IAMAT - The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers

My Peace of Mind… Travel and Mental Health

We are very pleased to announce the release of our series on travel and mental health, available in our eLibrary. What’s Inside? My Travel Mental Health Checklists are the the first comprehensive guides of their kind specifically intended for travellers. You’ll find: Tips for coping with travel stress Tips for travellers with no prior history of mental illness Tips for travelling with medications Tips for travellers with: – Depression and Bipolar Disorder – Substance Dependence – Anxiety Disorders – Psychotic Disorders Mental health is an under-recognized public health challenge and travellers often have difficulty accessing mental healthcare services abroad. Even if you don’t have a history of mental illness, travel stress, mood changes, anxiety and other mental health concerns ...

IAMAT Scholarships Benefit Scholars and Travellers

We recently caught up with our 2010 IAMAT Scholars, Li YunFeng (Aaron) and Dou YongYing (Colin), who just finished an intensive six-week training course at the Kaiser Permanente Honolulu Clinic. The two students were each awarded a scholarship last September through IAMAT’s International Travel Medicine Education Program. The initiative, which is solely funded through the generosity of IAMAT members, has supported 15 medical practitioners to train in travel medicine since 2002. This unique program provides an opportunity for doctors and nurses from developing countries to study in North America and return home to teach their colleagues. In turn, they help IAMAT expand its international Medical Directory. Both Aaron and Colin live in northern China. Colin is a doctor at ...

IAMAT - The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers

Travel and Rabies: An Ongoing Concern

When rabies comes up in conversations, it’s often in veterinary clinics where our pets are vaccinated against infection. Rabies however, is also a major concern for travellers. More than 150 countries report rabies in their animal population putting humans at risk. The majority of human rabies cases are reported from Asia and Africa and 99% of cases are from dog bites. The World Health Organization estimates that 55,000 people die annually, although the illness is often misdiagnosed or under-reported. On a positive note though, the WHO states that 15 million people worldwide receive the post-exposure vaccinations, preventing an estimated 327 000 deaths annually. It’s not only travellers going on eco-tourism or adventure expeditions that are at risk. In many ...

IAMAT - The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers

Thinking About the Spread of Dengue and its Prevention

The recent dengue outbreaks, notably in the Philippines, USA (Key West), India (Delhi), and China (Guangdong province) got us thinking about why infection rates are on the increase and how the disease is spreading to areas previously believed safe from the virus. The dengue virus is primarily spread by infected female Aëdes aegypti (urban domestic) mosquitoes that bite during the day (dawn to dusk) both indoors and outdoors. The disease has become a major economic burden and serious public health concern in tropical and sub-tropical areas. According to the World Health Organization, there are approximately 50 million infections worldwide each year and 2.5 billion people are at risk of contracting dengue. However, under-reporting (because the patient did not receive ...

IAMAT - The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers

Polio No Longer A Real Threat? Think Again

The recent polio (poliomyelitis) outbreaks in Central Asia (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Russia) are reminders of how travel and migration can contribute to the re-emergence of a disease in a region previously declared free of infection. In Tajikistan, for example, the country was declared polio free in 2002, but this year alone 239 children became paralyzed and 15 patients have died of the disease imported from India. The disturbing news is that since 2003 there have been 25 countries – originally declared polio free – that have been re-infected. (Kenya, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Cameroon, Burundi, Central African Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, and Guinea are some of the countries that have since taken steps to control the reappearance of polio.) Travellers ...

IAMAT - The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers

Spotlight on South Africa

Counting down the days to the start of the Soccer World Cup tournament? This year it’s being held in South Africa from June 11 to July 11. It’s one of the few events that brings out extreme emotions among fans, and like other world sporting events, this tournament will bring attention to the country’s natural beauty, history, and cultures. Travellers are asking us about our recommendations on how to stay healthy in South Africa. In case you need to see a doctor, you’ll find that healthcare standards in the country vary between large urban centres and remote areas. High quality care is the norm in cities while in rural areas medical care tends to be basic. IAMAT doctors are ...