IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers| IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers|

Travel Health Journal

Programs and Projects

IAMAT - The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers

Meet Sandy and Tatiana, our 2011 Scholars

We recently had the chance to skype with Tian Lingling (Sandy) and Tian Rui (Tatiana). Our 2011 scholars just completed a six-week intensive training course in travel medicine at the Kaiser Permanente Honolulu Travel Health Center. This scholarship program is sponsored by IAMAT, thanks to the generous support from our members. Currently, our scholarship program focuses on training Chinese scholars since China is one of the major travel destinations in the world. We are grateful to Dr. Vernon Ansdell, Dr. Johnnie Yates, and their colleagues at the Honolulu clinic for their invaluable mentorship. Some background… Tatiana is a general practitioner from Beijing and has 3 year old twins. Her work at the Beijing International Travel Healthcare Center involves doing ...

IAMAT Scholarships Benefit Scholars and Travellers

We recently caught up with our 2010 IAMAT Scholars, Li YunFeng (Aaron) and Dou YongYing (Colin), who just finished an intensive six-week training course at the Kaiser Permanente Honolulu Clinic. The two students were each awarded a scholarship last September through IAMAT’s International Travel Medicine Education Program. The initiative, which is solely funded through the generosity of IAMAT members, has supported 15 medical practitioners to train in travel medicine since 2002. This unique program provides an opportunity for doctors and nurses from developing countries to study in North America and return home to teach their colleagues. In turn, they help IAMAT expand its international Medical Directory. Both Aaron and Colin live in northern China. Colin is a doctor at ...

IAMAT - The International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers

Meet Angeline and Winona, IAMAT’s 2009 Scholars

Angeline (right) and Winona (left).  We recently met up with Dr. Ye Wei (Winona) and Dr. Meng Jing (Angeline) to talk about their two-month internship at Kaiser Permanente’s Koolau Clinic and Honolulu Clinic in Hawaii. The two medical practitioners from China were each awarded a scholarship through our International Travel Medicine Education Program. The fund, which is solely supported by the generous donations of IAMAT members, has given 13 scholarships since 2002. Chosen for their leadership skills, the two doctors will return home to teach their colleagues the skills they have learned in Hawaii, improving travel medicine practices in their workplace for the benefit of ill travellers. The art and science of travel medicine During the two-month intensive training ...